The Mitchells Vs The Machines

I know it has been a long time since I have written anything. Apparently that is a trend with me. So just enjoy this bit of writing that you are getting and know that I appreciate you checking it out.

At least one day a week we try to do family movie night. More often then not it ends with everyone’s nose being buried in their respective devices and the kids headphones being back on both ears. Last night was different though. After doom scrolling through twitter I was noticing a trend of people that I respect praising this movie. And not just a few, it seemed like everyone. I was getting some serious Stranger Things vibes as far as the adoption rate of this movie. So, without warning I waited until the episode of Lemony Snicket that we were watching was over and I switched it without telling them what I was putting on.

Out of the gate this movie has my attention and my kids are starting to get interested as well. Kyler, who typically leaves the room while the opening title sequence is still rolling has taken his headphones off of his ears and is commenting on the movie.

30 minutes later I am laughing so hard that I am coughing. Kyler and Nevaeh are fully invested in this movie and actively trying to get everyone else in the house to come watch it. Sadly, Avi and Misty have other pressing matters they need to take care of, but have committed to watching it the following day.

Now, I should be clear about this, I have never seen Nevaeh walk up to another one of the kids and tell them they need to come watch a movie. It is that amazing.

Could it be because we relate to it because of the road trip aspect? Or the fact that Misty and I are starting to face the reality that Avi could choose to go to a college away from us? Or could it be the ultimate struggle of trying to get everyone nose out of their devices? Who knows, regardless it was good and it gets a “You have to watch this movie”.

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